Many of our clients take an active role in promoting new blogs and social media content, but we often get the question:

What could we be doing as an employer to get our employees to share our content on their personal social media accounts with their friends and family?

Trucos y estrategias avanzadas para Video Poker

El Video Poker es uno de los juegos de casino más populares y emocionantes que puedes encontrar en línea. Combina la estrategia del póker con la velocidad y la emoción de las máquinas tragamonedas. Si eres un jugador de Video Poker y quieres llevar tus habilidades al siguiente nivel, estás en el lugar correcto. En este artículo, te mostraremos algunos trucos y estrategias avanzadas que te ayudarán a mejorar tu juego y aumentar tus posibilidades de ganar.

Conoce las reglas básicas del Video Poker

Antes de adentrarte en las estrategias avanzadas, es importante que tengas un buen conocimiento de las reglas básicas del Video Poker. Asegúrate de entender cómo se forman las manos ganadoras y cómo funcionan los pagos. También familiarízate con los diferentes tipos de juegos de Video Poker disponibles, ya que cada uno puede tener reglas ligeramente diferentes.

2. Juega en un casino en línea confiable

Para disfrutar de una experiencia de Video Poker segura y justa, es fundamental elegir un casino en línea confiable. Asegúrate de que el casino esté debidamente licenciado y regulado, y que utilice software de juego confiable. Además, verifica la reputación del casino y lee reseñas de otros jugadores antes de registrarte.

Si estás buscando un casino en línea confiable para jugar al Video Poker, te recomendamos visitar este enlace. Aquí encontrarás una selección de los mejores casinos en línea que ofrecen una amplia variedad de juegos de Video Poker.

3. Practica con juegos gratuitos

Antes de comenzar a jugar con dinero real, te recomendamos practicar con juegos gratuitos de Video Poker. Esto te permitirá familiarizarte con las diferentes variantes del juego y probar diferentes estrategias sin arriesgar tu dinero. Muchos casinos en línea ofrecen la opción de jugar en modo de demostración, así que aprovecha esta oportunidad para mejorar tus habilidades.

4. Elige la estrategia correcta

Cada variante de Video Poker tiene una estrategia óptima que maximiza tus posibilidades de ganar. Por ejemplo, en el Jacks or Better, la estrategia básica implica guardar todas las cartas que formen una pareja de jotas o mejor. En otras variantes, como el Deuces Wild, la estrategia puede ser diferente. Investiga y aprende las estrategias óptimas para cada variante de Video Poker que deseas jugar.

5. Administra tu bankroll

La gestión adecuada de tu bankroll es crucial para tener éxito en el Video Poker. Establece un presupuesto y no te excedas. Divide tu bankroll en sesiones de juego y establece límites de apuestas. Recuerda que el Video Poker es un juego de habilidad, pero también tiene una parte de suerte. No persigas tus pérdidas y no apuestes más de lo que puedes permitirte perder.

6. Aprovecha las bonificaciones y promociones

Muchos casinos en línea ofrecen bonificaciones y promociones especiales para los jugadores de Video Poker. Aprovecha estas ofertas para aumentar tu bankroll y jugar más tiempo. Sin embargo, asegúrate de leer los términos y condiciones de las bonificaciones, ya que suelen estar sujetas a requisitos de apuesta antes de poder retirar tus ganancias.

7. Practica la paciencia y la disciplina

El Video Poker es un juego que requiere paciencia y disciplina. No te dejes llevar por la emoción del momento y toma decisiones basadas en la estrategia óptima. Evita tomar riesgos innecesarios y mantén la calma incluso en las situaciones más difíciles. Recuerda que el objetivo es jugar de manera inteligente y maximizar tus posibilidades de ganar a largo plazo.


El Video Poker es un juego emocionante y lleno de oportunidades para aquellos que dominan las estrategias correctas. Sigue estos trucos y estrategias avanzadas para mejorar tu juego y aumentar tus posibilidades de ganar. Recuerda siempre jugar de manera responsable y disfrutar del juego con moderación. ¡Buena suerte!

With projections of over half of the world’s population being on some form of social media by the end of this year, giving your business some social media advertising reach can help your business generate leads, establish brand awareness, and prioritize company culture.

Let’s Do a Little Math

Let’s say you are the owner of a small business with 20 employees. 

20 employees

X 3 social media profiles each

X 250 followers per employee = 15, 000 potential post views!*

*This is terrible marketing math 

Wow! That’s a lot of people viewing the things your employees share! Unfortunately, social media marketing isn’t that simple. 

A typical organic post shared on Facebook, for example, will only reach an average of 5.2% of followers. Organic posts shared by your employees with a lot of engagement, however, is more likely to be shown in the newsfeed.

The real organic reach looks something more like:

“But that’s not a lot of people!” a worried client might say. Is social media worth it? The good news is that how often the algorithm shows your posts can improve through engagement.

  • More likes, comments, and shares on the post = more engagement = more views

So how do I get more engagement on my social media posts?

  • Ask a question
  • Host a giveaway
  • Show employee faces
  • Personalize the post
  • Use employee names and positive callouts

The key here is creating great content that your employees want to share in the first place in order to maximize the reach and overcome the 5.2% statistic. 

In Summary: Engagement is important for maximizing your overall social media reach. Below, we also detail the best practices for employee engagement. 

1. DON’T Make it Mandatory DO Make it Easy

Your employees might be comfortable with using social media for only very specific purposes, and social media is personal. Just as you have your company standards, they might want to keep their personal life personal. 

  • Remember: Your employees are doing you a favor by sharing company content to their networks. 

Make it Easy with Optional Captions

If sharing company content is a matter of clicking two buttons, more employees are more likely to do it. It’s the Amazon Effect. If I can click two buttons and have a human-sized electric blanket delivered to my door tomorrow for $42.99,* I’ll do it. If I had to input credit card information and my address, I might lose gumption along the way.

That being said, a study conducted by Deloitte says that when making decisions about companies, 28% of consumers care most about seeing how positively companies treat their employees. 

*This may or may not be a real-world example

2. Create an Open Social Media Policy

Many employees refrain from sharing company social media posts to their personal profiles for fear of representing the company incorrectly or inappropriately or facing repercussions.

When writing social media guidelines for your team, consider writing two sets of Social Media Brand Guidelines to ensure that your employees know that they are welcome to share company content online. 

Brand Guidelines

  • Company hashtags by platform
  • Character or word limits
  • Recommended post times
  • Image sizes

Employee Protections

  • Outlines that employees have the right to voice their work-related opinions online
  • Guidelines of what information can and can’t be discussed according to NDA or HIPAA policies

In addition, demonstrate your openness to employee feedback by welcoming their opinions about social campaigns. By clearly communicating your policy and open door, your employees might be more likely to share. 

3. Be Transparent with Your Employees

Being a great employer is all about trust. Explain your marketing goals to your team and demonstrate the reach that a certain promotion could get if all of the employees share with their family or friends. Be clear, however, that it’s never mandatory.

Which social media platform are your employees using?


Everything here is a professional humblebrag but also completely work-appropriate. Did your employees win an award at work or gain a new title? This is the place to put it on the company page so your employees can show off their accomplishments to their colleagues and industry peers. 


Many employees might be establishing their own industry-specific personal brand. As they become thought leaders, they might also want to retweet company content. 


Another place to show friends and family where you work and say it proudly. Typically if your employees are in the 40-60 age range, this is the place to push. 


The most personal and human of the social media apps, this is the place to share the company Christmas party. It’s also a highly visual platform. Get that extra bit of reach with smiling faces in the photos. 

4. Incentivize Shares, Likes, and Clicks

In the same way that you might offer a reward for the sales team that generates the most leads, offer an incentive to the entire team for social media engagement. 

Potential Prizes Could Include:

  • Friday afternoon off
  • Lunch out with a superior
  • Gift certificates
  • Cookie dough delivery*
  • Tickets to a sporting event

Again, this relates back to the transparency aspect. Your employees will want to know that this is for marketing purposes, what they’ll get from the deal, and how to opt-in. 

*Casual hint for our boss: will share for dough

Keep Things Transparent for Your Employees

At the end of the day, your employees are people. If you want them to share company content on social media, make your company an exciting place to work where employees feel proud of the organization they are a part of and excited by the content they’re sharing.

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Alaina Halsey
Our Projects and Creative Manager, Alaina Halsey, has studied media and design in the US and the UK and is a proud graduate of Ball State University. Working with the clients at The Loop Marketing has made it easy to keep her skills sharp and apply unique solutions to her clients' problems that come up across a wide variety of industries and business types. She's passionate about marrying branding with user experience to create beautiful websites and marketing assets that are accessible and functional. Outside of her work, she is an avid traveler and is working her way to visiting every continent and all 30 MLB ballparks.