It is vital for you to maintain an up-to-date website. This is where our annual website audit checklist comes in handy! So go ahead, take a few minutes now, and then relax, knowing that you’ll check things off of this list, so you don’t have to worry about them later.
While your website might be all about beauty, movement, and colors, everything eventually comes down to the numbers. How many clicks will you get if you move your button to the navigation? Which phrasings lead to the most conversions?
On the list of the worst ways to spend your time, waiting on hold on the phone with that annoyingly loud, upbeat, jazzy tune playing in the background makes the top ten. Thankfully, more and more businesses have entered the digital age and are offering the comfort of sending an email from home with the immediacy of speaking with someone on the telephone.
Modular web design is the backbone of many website builders, but you need to know how it works to save hours building new pages without a plan. Our guide to modular web design helps you understand best practices and how to utilize them to build a streamlined, easy-to-maintain website.
Does your current website meet accessibility standards? As your website’s owner, you are responsible for ensuring your website is compatible with assistive technologies such as screen readers, voice recognition software, and/or selection switches.
There are over one billion websites, and the average user visits at least one hundred different sites daily. That’s why it is vital to provide users with a smooth, memorable online experience; otherwise, potential customers will forget about you. Staying on top of what’s happening in web design only benefits your organization. Here are nine of the hottest web design trends hitting the internet in 2023.
Click here. Sign up now. Add to cart. Since the dawn of the internet, we’ve all noticed call-to-action buttons. And despite how many times we’ve clicked on, clicked through, and even clicked out of these ads/pop-ups/buttons, they keep popping up.
Whether you’re a startup or business that’s been around for almost one hundred years, it is essential that you know what your brand personality is to ensure that your brand strategy aligns with your values. Every brand has a unique personality. What is yours? Take the Brand Personality Quiz to find out!