It is vital for you to maintain an up-to-date website. This is where our annual website audit checklist comes in handy! So go ahead, take a few minutes now, and then relax, knowing that you’ll check things off of this list, so you don’t have to worry about them later.
If you’ve read any of our blogs at TLM, you’d know that we love to harp on the importance of building your email list. And in 2024, we probably will bang that drum again because it remains the best way to stay in contact with current and potential leads.
To say that online customer reviews are essential would be an understatement. The fact is that businesses that have excellent (and plentiful) customer reviews attract more customers than those businesses that do not.
Like every other user of Google Analytics in the world, we are getting used to the new reality of Google Analytics 4 taking over from our beloved Universal Analytics. And some things still need to be done.
Has your business focused all its digital marketing resources on one platform or strategy? Savvy financial portfolio managers know it is important to spread risk by diversifying their investment portfolios. It’s time to do the same for your digital marketing strategy.
We understand how difficult it is to choose a digital marketing agency, but there are three key reasons why you should work with a full-service digital marketing agency.
In 2022, the digital marketing landscape changed forever with the introduction of widely-used artificial intelligence content creation tools, the continued growth of short-form video on social media, and Google algorithm changes that affected every small business’s SEO practices.
Click here. Sign up now. Add to cart. Since the dawn of the internet, we’ve all noticed call-to-action buttons. And despite how many times we’ve clicked on, clicked through, and even clicked out of these ads/pop-ups/buttons, they keep popping up.